Serious online publishers, entrepreneurs, professional bloggers and business owners all know that when it comes to finding the right balance of elements that will keep a website performing at the highest level, there isn’t a lot of room for error.

How to build your digital business on a solid foundation

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective WordPress Publishers
In honor of one of the greatest leadership and productivity manuals of all-time, this post shines a light on your objectives as a WordPress publisher with one overall goal in mind: To make you the most efficient, focused, and successful website owner you can be. Great advice for any online publisher.

Is This Simple (and Easily Fixable) Mistake Killing Your Site’s Page Load Times?
Your clients and customers have an extremely short attention span, and slow-loading web pages send them away from your content, killing conversion rates. Learn the strategies behind optimizing your images for the web to keep them engaged and clicking. Have you ever wondered what the best image resolutions and formats for your site were? Here you go …

Answers To The 4 Most Pressing Questions About Online Video Strategy
Master the learning curve of a highly effective video strategy that will improve any serious online publisher’s content. Find out the pros and cons of using YouTube vs. self-hosting your videos. Also, get important advice from Brian Clark on persuasive video strategies, quick tips on SEO, optimization and revenue generation basics. Then it’s “roll camera!”

6 Reasons You Should Install the Jetpack Plugin for WordPress Today
The official Jetpack Plugin by has been touted as a versatile, swiss-army-knife for WordPress. This completely free plugin slices, dices and makes a few essential tasks pretty easy for online publishers. Mr. Morris thinks you should install it now, and discusses its more impressive functions: beefed up stat reviews, enhanced social sharing, site comments and subscriptions, simple contact forms, and the built-in spell, style and grammar check software (I’m sold).

When You Should (and Shouldn’t) Use a WordPress Plugin
Choosing the right plugin can be a bit … confusing. Learn the three questions to always ask yourself before deciding whether or not a plugin is actually what your site needs. Sure, they can solve problems and serve important functions, but are they always good? And get a solid suggestion for one of the most respected analytics plugins available.

13 Built-In WordPress Options that Online Publishers Need to Know …
Get a walkthrough of newly released WordPress Version 3.4 and its powerful built-in options. Learn the ropes with 13 mini-tutorials of some of its lesser-known and more useful tools including a live theme preview that lets you experiment with the look of your site before going live, and many improved post editing options. Publishing great content has never been easier.

What Friedrich Nietzsche Can Teach Us About Using WordPress Plugins
You don’t need a major in Philosophy to understand and use this great advice on how to maximize the positives of one of WordPress’s most versatile (and potentially maddening) components — the plugin. In the debate between your website’s functionality and stability, learn some rules to live by about finding and using plugins to make your online life a lot easier.

The 4 Factors of Conducting a Profitable Business Online
Get time-saving tips to keep you on track and profitable. There are four factors that separate the professionals from the amateurs on the digital frontier, and Mr. Morris wants you to run a more efficient online business. Find everything from the importance of keeping your site reliable, the visual impact of your brand, and the execution of smart online marketing with true efficiency.

The True Cost of Building and Managing a WordPress Website
If you are serious about using WordPress as a tool for publishing online content to drive traffic and build revenue for your business, start here. Minimize costs and maximize the potential for your success by learning some of the hidden expenses of WordPress management, as well as the pros and cons of everything from digital sharecropping to premium managed WordPress hosting.

Direct from the frontlines of the digital revolution, here’s a few articles to help you plant your flag and keep moving forward …

So valuable, I think, that I wanted to highlight some of it for you here.

And, thanks to Jerod Morris, we’re compiling some very valuable WordPress management advice over on the Synthesis blog.

Poorly coded themes, unstable plugins, and lapses in security can all turn a normal day into a digital panic room. We’re not big fans of digital sharecropping or shoddy, unoptimized hosting. If you remember, we dislike it so much, we actually built our own managed WordPress hosting.

In an instant, the poor performance of your website can undermine much of the hard work that every serious WordPress publisher does to build their presence and livelihood.

It’s one of the most overlooked (and undervalued) elements of an online platform that converts.

9 Articles for Serious WordPress Publishers

Our friends John and Cali over at GeekBeat TV were having some nagging hosting troubles, as well as a few issues they weren’t even aware of. Here’s what they’ve got to say about Synthesis …